Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Liver Circulatory System

The liver receives blood from two main sources: (1) 20% from the Hepatic Artery which is a branch of the abdominal aorta supplying oxygenated blood, and (2) 80% from the Hepatic Portal Vein which receives blood from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, and colon. The Hepatic Portal Vein transports:
  • absorbed nutrients from the duodenum

  • white blood cells from the spleen

  • toxins, such as alcohol, which are absorbed in the intestines

  • waste products, such as CO2 from the spleen, pancreas, stomach, and duodenum

Tributaries from the Hepatic Artery and Hepatic Portal Vein channel into liver sinusoids, spaces between liver cells. After exchanging their content, the deoxygenated blood then passes into the Hepatic Veins and then into the Inferior Vena Cava to the right atrium of the heart.

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